Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I hate snow.

This is pretty typical of Point Park. I understand that the school was closed for snow, but if you are going to close the cafe, then close the cafe. If you are gonna have it open, then have it open for normal hours. Or at least notify us in advance. Then as some of us headed down to the cafe for dinner because we missed the delicious food in the cafeteria, we noticed that they kindly put a 3x5 sign in a hidden corner of the cafe to let us know it would be closing at 6PM that day. It was similar to a scavenger hunt. But hey, I mean, they were nice enough to post these signs multiple times throughout the cafe later on in the night as they also had the gate shut for the night. Pretty self-explanatory that when the gate is up, they are no longer selling food. But Point Park is pretty famous for obvious signs. School is closed again today and many people are still snowed in. More snow on the way which means it will probably be closed again Wednesday. Is this real life?