Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Funny Analogies...

So I think I should begin making a blog specifically about these comments, because they are absolutely hilarious. If you are unable to read the writing, this post comment suggests:

"Can you please make sure that there is always regular (heavy emphasis on the regular) ranch in the salad bar, light ranch tastes like roadkill! Thanks!"

The residence hall kindly responded:

"While I would not describe the taste of light ranch as roadkill, I certainly agree there is a big difference..."

It's kind of funny because unless the person has actually tasted roadkill, I believe it would be hard to compare light ranch to it. Although, the smell of roadkill is pretty disgusting, so maybe this is what they are referring to. As students, we are kind of hypocritical, suggesting we need more options, yet we need to eliminate options for other people? This person was obviously NOT HAPPY about the light ranch. Someone please send them a bottle of LIGHT Hidden Valley Ranch (COSTCO size) ASAP. Thanks. :)

(I totally hope the person who wrote that comment isn't reading this...if you are, I'm totally kidding.)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Turning back time?

I'm not sure if anyone else has witnessed a crazy clock in Point Park's Academic Hall--but it reminds me of something out of the 'Poltergeist' or maybe 'The Ring'. This picture, although it is far away and blurred, is similar to what you see when you witness a crazy clock. Sometimes you may find the big hand going backwards in a counter clockwise motion, or maybe even both hands frozen in time, 4 hours off beat. Although cell phones are not recommended in class, if you like to keep tabs on the accuracy of your time schedule, I recommend you bring them just in case you are placed in a classroom with a "Point Park crazy clock."

Monday, March 29, 2010

World Cup from Point Park

Some Point Park athletes extend their opinions about the 2010 World Cup for soccer:

Friday, March 26, 2010

Where do we go next?

If someone asked me to paint a picture of Thayer Hall, or possibly how to get there...this is what I would come up with. For new students and for anyone else that has no idea how to get through Academic Hall, Thayer is confusing. There are signs pointing left and right and until you walk back and forth about 3 times, you finally realize that it's just one big circle. And what about the Academic Hall stairwell? You can take the elevator down to floor one, but instead of walking the stairs down to floor one, you are forced to come out on floor 2 and take the grand stairs to the lobby. How many Freshman or new students do you think have walked down those stairs just to see how far it takes them before they have to walk back up again? Maze I tell ya...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Elevators are irritating...

Although my posts about elevators and food in Lawrence are extremely repetitive, I need to further address the fact that elevators are by far the most irritating thing at Point Park University. I believe that the Dean, or some representative of higher authority should implement a rule that disables anyone from the 6th floor down,(unless you have the occasional ladder or a food cart) to ride the elevator. We all are young, able-bodies with perfectly functioning legs(for the most part), therefore stairs are put there for a reason. The elevator continues to stop on every floor from 20 down, and it does not help keep you on time for class when you have that clown that takes the elevator down from floor three to floor one. The cafeteria is located on floor three, there should be no excuse for not walking two flights of stairs, especially after the 6,000 calorie meals that they are feeding us. Exercise is good for the body, let's practice good habits and use our legs. Americans are stereotyped as lazy, let's help prove them wrong.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Advertising in a flash...

So I have noticed that this banner right outside of the Cafe is changed about every hour of every day. Okay, so I'm exaggerating a little bit, but it must be changed every few days. How are they ever supposed to advertise for something if nobody even gets a chance to read the sign? Last week it was the business idea, the next day it was WEST PAC internships, the next day it was something about something else, and now there is a pointless banner that threatens you to listen to WPPJ. What's next? A banner recruiting potential food providers other than Aramark? I hope so...

Monday, March 22, 2010

At least they look kind of cool...

Well, although these Point Park shuttles look pretty innovative with the crazy new designs, it is a shame that no one can even see out of them from the inside. Maybe they should have made them a little less tinted for safety issues? Drivers backing up into things may not be the best way to keep us on our budget. Or maybe just to give the athletes the ability to see out of them when they are bored on the 30-minute ride to their "home" fields. The sky walk seems to have the same problem and now students can barely view the city from the second floor. The sky walk and its view is one of the most exciting things at Point Park, (well besides the taco bowls in the cafeteria) and if they take that away...what do we have? Struggling athletic records and people in tights? Well hey, at least the designs kind of look cool from the outside right...

Monday, March 15, 2010

Which one is it?

If you use the computers on Point Park's campus often, then I'm sure you are familiar with this Point Park logo and the slogan, "Get There." I'm not really sure what "get there" is pertaining to...but I guess it works? There is also the new slogan: Point Park University, "The metamorphosis of me." This one is plastered all over prospective student brochures and of course on the shuttles with the hippie designs and creepy faces. Where are we getting to? And since we have two slogans all of a sudden, which one is it?

Saturday, March 13, 2010

St. Patty's Day

So I Youtubed St.Patty's day, this is one of the first things that popped up...which is kind of strange...I'm sure there aren't many people reading this because you are probably outside at the parade or heavy into your root beer at this time in the day. Happy St. Patrick's Day everybody! Be careful and watch out for those crazy Irish.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Point Park...

Point Park dancers perform in relation to the G-20 summit happenings this past semester...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Point Park = High school?

So I'm sure you have all seen the lockers on the different floors of Academic Hall--for commuters of course. Eventually I am sure that they will turn the fourth floor lounge of Lawrence into a more appeasing place for them to hang out, but until then, lockers are available to put their coats? Or maybe their brown paper-bagged lunch because the Cafe continues to charge $10.00 for turkey wraps. I have come to the conclusion that Point Park is primarily a boarding school for athletes and dancers. Well, dancers according to most of the population of Point Park, but us athletes are still trying. The last time I associated lockers with my academics was during my high school years...

Monday, March 8, 2010


Funny video. Everybody back from break causing elevators to go slow again...not so funny.

Friday, March 5, 2010

We scream for ice cream...

Okay, so I have heard rumors before that the cafe used to have an ice cream cooler. And although the picture above isn't the exact image of what they recently put in the cafe, the ice cream is back! Took them long enough. I guess it's appropriate to bring it out now as the weather continues to get warmer...although snow is still everywhere! They haven't stocked the ice cream cooler yet, so I'm guessing we will not have access to delicious treats until the last day of school. Just saying...that's how Point Park clockwork.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Point Park is a haunted house...

I'm not sure if anybody else who is reading this has experienced a pre-season in August at Point Park University, but it was one of the most petrifying experiences of my life. Of course it didn't help that I had just transferred in and was placed on the 18th floor of Lawrence, with no other floormates at the time, nor did I know prior to coming here that the dorm rooms would resemble a penitentiary. Also, during the first few days upon my arrival, my friend Juliann came to drop some stuff off and talk to me a bit, and as her eyes widened, she casually posed this question, "Did you know that Lawrence is haunted?" Thanks Julsy. Not only am I terrified of staying alone, but I already had been sleeping with my light on for the past two days, (I know, I know, I'm a wimp) and now I have to deal with the shuffler, while you can go back and sleep in the comfort of your own home with safe parents and snuggly puppies. (miss your tackling mish--Juliann's Michele, I didn't spell your name wrong) Okay so anyway, as I remained scared throughout the entire night, not only did I sleep with the light on, but because of this I saw that the ceiling boards began to move.

(Yes, the ghost was kind enough to let me capture a video of this, however, verizon was not kind enough to let me save it to my computer--hence, no video, just a picture)

Anyway, anyone who has ever been scared to stay home alone at night knows exactly how this goes. (I am alone at Point Park for part of this week, that is why this is relevant...) First you begin to just freak yourself out because you're alone in the dark, then you begin to hear "noises", then coincidently, the shuffler is moving around in your ceiling boards, the fridge times on and begins to growl EXTRA loudly...and then you call/text someone for a security blanket. As if texting or calling a friend is actually going to help you in this situation at all. But for some reason it makes you feel better for about five minutes while you are communicating with them, and as soon as your phone stops beeping, the noises start up again. Now there is a hugeee shadow on the wall that resembles a man with some sort of weapon like an axe or something awful, floor boards creak, everything you can possibly imagine to scare you is happening and it's not until you turn on every light and TV in your room that your eyes begin to rest. Maybe that's just me? Don't even get me started on the other ghosts here...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Point Park, I'm starving....

As my week continues on here at Point Park during spring break, I have realized that there are more people residing on campus than I originally thought. The more kids there are, the more food that the cafe needs to make, which means they are eventually going to make a lot of money this week considering they aren't taking meal plan exchange! Worst news all week. I'm not sure if anyone else is in the same boat as I am, but my flex dollars are dwindling down as you read this and as I write this--there is no way that $13 can feed an athlete for 7 days...possibly a dancer, (if they are surviving on Luna bars, no offense) but definitely not if you like to eat 3 meals a day (at least). So although I brought this issue up to some of the food service representatives, they are lacking in the sympathy department, still leaving most of us angry and hungry, with no flex dollars! :(

All of this turmoil has led to this:

A lot of oatmeal, not enough roommate relies on the cafe workers to provide us with delicious food and because we don't have flex to pay for it, cardboard quick oats it is. Thank you Point Park, we are starving.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Do you believe in miracles...YES!

Well done, Point Park. Finally, there are staples (in a surplus amount) located on the second floor computer lab in Thayer Hall. Brownie points for you. However, considering the fact that there are about 20 out of 4,000 kids on campus this week, only about half of them (if that) stapling papers, I am going to revoke these brownie points immediately. At least it's a step in the right direction. If they keep this up I might not have to keep taking staples from my previously stapled papers and rigging my new ones. Do you believe in miracles?...YES!

P.S. - Boo Canada.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Spring Break....? Not really.

Remember these commercials? They were the highlight of Superbowl Sunday besides the game itself...depending on what teams were actually playing. Not much here from Point Park, although I am on campus for Spring Break. Elevators are much more pleasant to ride. Hope everyone is enjoying their break! If you are somewhere tropical please don't let me know, I will become extremely jealous, extremely quickly.