Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Elevators are irritating...

Although my posts about elevators and food in Lawrence are extremely repetitive, I need to further address the fact that elevators are by far the most irritating thing at Point Park University. I believe that the Dean, or some representative of higher authority should implement a rule that disables anyone from the 6th floor down,(unless you have the occasional ladder or a food cart) to ride the elevator. We all are young, able-bodies with perfectly functioning legs(for the most part), therefore stairs are put there for a reason. The elevator continues to stop on every floor from 20 down, and it does not help keep you on time for class when you have that clown that takes the elevator down from floor three to floor one. The cafeteria is located on floor three, there should be no excuse for not walking two flights of stairs, especially after the 6,000 calorie meals that they are feeding us. Exercise is good for the body, let's practice good habits and use our legs. Americans are stereotyped as lazy, let's help prove them wrong.

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