Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Point Park, I'm starving....

As my week continues on here at Point Park during spring break, I have realized that there are more people residing on campus than I originally thought. The more kids there are, the more food that the cafe needs to make, which means they are eventually going to make a lot of money this week considering they aren't taking meal plan exchange! Worst news all week. I'm not sure if anyone else is in the same boat as I am, but my flex dollars are dwindling down as you read this and as I write this--there is no way that $13 can feed an athlete for 7 days...possibly a dancer, (if they are surviving on Luna bars, no offense) but definitely not if you like to eat 3 meals a day (at least). So although I brought this issue up to some of the food service representatives, they are lacking in the sympathy department, still leaving most of us angry and hungry, with no flex dollars! :(

All of this turmoil has led to this:

A lot of oatmeal, not enough roommate relies on the cafe workers to provide us with delicious food and because we don't have flex to pay for it, cardboard quick oats it is. Thank you Point Park, we are starving.


  1. Hey Girl!!! This is Stephanie, you're mom's oldest and FAVORITE friend...LOL... I've got to tell you, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blogs!!!!! Keep on writing!!!

    P.S. Tell your mom to send you a care package before you starve to death!!!!

  2. Thanks Stephanie! I really appreciate you taking the time to read/comment on this! Thanks so much for the feedback! Hope all is well!

    P.S. - mom sent me money :) gotta love her.

  3. ash, there is plenty of ramen in my room if you care to retrieve it. 8)

